Thursday, December 8, 2011

Level of maintenance at privately-owned buildings in Jakarta

Until today, I'd say I'm still amazed by the level of care and maintenance seen at any privately-owned and occupied builidings in Jakarta. I reckon these guys do this everyday, rain or shine, without fail. 

I mean we are talking beyond run-of-the-mill mopping of floors and cleaning of toilets. Everywhere I went, there's always someone I see cleaning, scraping, polishing or whatever other maintenance stuffs that they do.
Of course at high-ends malls and hotels, I guess they are standard procedure to maintain that gleam and shine. But even at hypermarkets?! Recently at the Carrefour Permata Hijau,  I saw this cleaner squatting, with a scraper in his right hand and a small cloth on his left, scraping away at some miniscule stubborn dirt that stuck on the floor. After he was done, he got up and looked about for the next dirt.

And the other day, while I was taking a break from writing and looking out of the window of the study, I saw this sight. Of two cleaners on the rooftop of the walkway at the main entrance to our condo, cleaning and wiping away. To give you an idea, this walkway is hardly use by any pedestrians and so far I have only seen cars and taxis coming in and going out. Now, if only our condo in PJ has this level of maintenance.

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