Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Here comes the ambulance... NOT!

Had a really funny encounter on the road yesterday morning. Just as we were about to enter a tunnel with heavy 2-way traffic while on the way to Hub's office, I heard a yelp siren in the distance. Immediately in my mind, I was thinking "How on earth is the poor driver going to maneuver our car to the side and allow the ambulance to pass through in such heavy traffic and limited space? This is a must-watch!"

And so I waited as the siren got closer and closer. As I heard the siren passing by our car, I looked out and LO and BEHOLD!

It was an ordinary citizen on his scrambler that was fixed with a yelp siren and the hazard lights a-blinking!

And I blinked stupefyingly.

There was a short moment of silence between Hubs and me before I commented "I seriously thought an ambulance was on its way and was wondering how is Sumiran going to let it through in that tunnel!" And we both laughed.

"Well that's Jakarta for you," was Hub's comeback.


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