Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Travel stories: What I learned in Siem Reap - being grateful of the little things in life

Lei navigating the roads where it's dry and dusty OR wet and puddle-ly

My recent trip to Siem Reap taught me one thing: that our city Kuala Lumpur is actually rather clean, at least where pavements and roadsides are concerned.

Upon touching down at Siem Reap International Airport, Lil' Sis and myself were met by Lei, our assigned tuk-tuk driver during our 4-days stay in Siem Reap. Sis was immediately excited when Lei informed us that we will be travelling to hotel by tuk-tuk. Me too, as it was my 2nd time on the tuk-tuk and thought it would be a fun experience. As the saying goes, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do".

However after about 10 minutes, the ride slowly became not-so-fun. As our tuk-tuk turned into the main street, the first thing that got to us was the fumes spewing out from lorries and trucks. I quickly stop breathing and without much fuss the offending truck turned off at some small lane.

But it wasn't long before another truck overtook us and in the process, stirred up another cloud of fumes and dust. I quickly covered my nose and mouth with my hands. But that's the least of my problem - I felt dust sticking to my lips, my teeth and when i grind my front teeth together, i actually felt sand. *yucks*

I told Lil' Sis that the very next thing we need to do is to look for a pharmacy and buy some face mask. She nodded enthusiastically as obviously, she too, felt the same thing. And it got worse when the weather becomes hot. According to Lei, the local city council does not do anything to clean up the roads of the dirt during the wet season, as oppose to the dry season where they will actually sweep up the dirt and transport them to elsewhere.

So Angkor stardust anyone?

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