Thursday, March 28, 2013

Moved again!

Hubs has a habit. It's been 5 years since he moved to Jakarta in 2008 and for the past 5 years, he/we practiced annual migration. I reckon we're a bit like the wildlife in the Serengeti. LOL! So in total he/we have stayed in 5 different apartments and this mark our 6th apartment.

But in all fairness and honesty, we both realised we needed to get out of our previous place. Like badly. For different reasons of course! For him, it was because of the lack of natural sunlight, and me purely because the furniture ensemble was thrown in more in the spirit of recycling rather than eclecticism. Hehe.

It's exactly one week since we moved and settled into our new place. We really like this place a lot. A tad smaller, takes some getting used to, but just nice for the both of us. And of course it has a lot of natural sunlight streaming in through the use of big window panes.

And I didn't realise how useful that was until last night. Hubs was out for an event. So it was me and the TV for company. Suddenly, the electricity went off and I was left sitting in the dark and wondering "Are you kiddin' me?" And it happened just when I was about to charge my soon-to-be zero phone battery and had no torchlight. 

Had no choice but to use the phone as torchlight and as I was moving around the house, I realised it wasn't that dark after all! How cool is that!

Anyway, it turned out that most probably the air-conditioner in the hall shortcircuited our unit, as other units had electricity. The building reception and engineering have been helpful to come over and figure out what happened. And I have all their numbers on speed dial now!

And also getting quite good in explaining in bahasa Indonesia of what happened and hope that they understood me. I think they did! ;p

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