Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Trying out Blue Bird Group Apps

I finally tried out the Blue Bird apps today, to order a taxi for a friend and myself for our little excursion to Plaza Grand Indonesia, with a little bit of hints from Hubs. Hubs had to take a taxi to work this morning and decided to order a Blue Bird last night. When he got into the taxi this morning, he messaged me that the apps worked fine and told me to try it out.

The apps only work if you have a local Indonesian number and they inform you as well, once you have downloaded the apps. There were a few preliminary steps that I had to go through, which involves setting up my account with them, key in my mobile number to which they sent a verification code to and I'm ready to go.

As you can see at the bottom left hand corner, there's an "Order" icon to order my taxi. Once I keyed in the necessary address, date and time of pick-up, a confirmation notice was sent instantaneously to my phone.  When I pressed the "Tracking" icon, I saw my order status as "In The Queue"

Just about half an hour before pick-up time, another notification (below) was sent to my phone, informing that the taxi and its ID has been dispatched.

As you can see below, the status has changed to "On The Way" and a little car icon has appeared next to the designated pick-up location. 

At about 15 minutes to 11am, I went down to the lobby but didn't see my taxi. I called Hubs to cross-check what he did this morning, and he told me to ask the lobby receptionist if my taxi has arrived. A phone call to the security post revealed that my taxi has arrived and was waiting outside. Finally, taxi came into the compound and we got into the taxi alright! And oh yeah, I also saw that the ID of the taxi was also visibly pasted on the dashboard above the glove compartment so that passengers can cross-check that they got into the correct taxi. Awesome!

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